6 Short Pieces of Advice on Reading

Don’t finish awful books

Mike Beneschan


Modified version of “Brillenapostel” (1403) by Conrad von Soest. Original image source: Wikimedia Commons. Modified version by author.

Books are an old medium — older than TV, podcasts, and virtual reality rhythm games. I started a reading habit when I was an insecure college freshman. I thought it would make my life better. And truthfully, it did. Books are vessels for life-changing ideas. Books, like sit-ups or salads, are something that deep down many of us want more of in their lives. But we hesitate. We can’t help but recoil at the thought of reading, because of all the dreadful memories of boring high school assignments.

I often get asked by friends how to read more. So these are the 6 pieces of advice I have on reading.

1. Just read 1 page a day.

Reading is hard! Watching a movie is passive. The movie on the screen will keep moving along even if you stop paying attention. But books require you to focus, concentrating on each word. A book only moves forward when you do.

It’s not a good idea to think that you need to read 100 pages every day. That’ll quickly burn you out. When I started regularly reading in college, I would get exhausted from reading just 2 pages.

So start small. If you want to read more, you must form a reading habit, and to form a habit, take those easy wins. Just read 1 page, but do it every single day…



Mike Beneschan

A human, writing (mostly) about math | California | If you want to reach out mikebeneschan@gmail.com | Get the newsletter here: https://bit.ly/3Ahfu98